Rule 1: Stop showing off! Okay now I can't stress this enough because if there's one thing these singers do is they show off their octave instead of singing the song. (They scream & they take too long.) But overall sing the sing its about the music not so much your voice.
Rule 2: Don't over do the wardrobe: Okay I've seen a lot of these singers overdo the wardrobe what with jewelry & furs & sequins first off this isn't "The Pimp Awards" So either keep it dressy or casual. Don't make the performance about your costume or outfit. Image is nothing.
Rule 3: Stop showing your pipes (Literally!) I've seen most singers do this a lot. When they sing they really open up their mouth a little too wide Okay unless your doctor is in the audience quit showing off your tonsils or the rest of your gullet that's kind of gross & most of all save the lozenges for AFTER the show please?
Rule 4: Bring a few people with you. Once again on award shows you've seen how they bring a whole mess of people in their entourage well no disrespect but keep it to a minimum of family & friends it doesn't take that many people to accept an award. Its not a buffet & its not a funeral or a wedding. Don't bring like 50 or 60 people with you half of them probably don't know you anyway.
Rule 5: Know the words. To all you singers out there when singing a song it helps to ACTUALLY know the words to the song quit mumbling & sing it.
Its okay to mess up but not when you're live.
Rule 6: STOP LIP SYNCING! I've seen enough live shows & concert to know that some of these singers are faking it what with auto tune so unless you guys want to goes found out or lose your fans stop lip syncing just because you can't really sing doesn't mean you should cheat.
Rule 7: How you sing. Okay another thing sing from your diaphragm & your guts not so much your throat or your nose I've noticed a lot of these singers doing that. This is why most of them don't have much of a voice to work with after a while.
Rule 8: Know what you're doing. I can't tell you how many shows I've seen where there are singers or musicians that really don't know what they're doing when it comes to performing, Don't be about the fame but rather about having fun & the music.
So anyway that's all I have to say regarding some of you so called singers out there. Be about the music & not about your voice so much or your image. This is all coming from a DJ so listen good. Music isn't about groupies, Fame, The spotlight or anything else. If anything it should be about self expression & showing people what you can do with your own talent. Not trying to be someone you aren't just so you can win something.
So instead of trying to be about having ties to anyone famous how about being yourself & most of all have fun with the music. Its born to be free.