Monday, September 4, 2017

Thoughts of a DJ: The thing about cliques & clubs

Hey there all DJ Dizzy here & I'm going to speak on a topic that's way overdue that of cliques & clubs.

Now we've all seen them around be it in school or anywhere else they come in many types one of them being cool or good looking. But the main thing is we feel like we want to be apart of them because we figure we're good enough & cool ourselves only to be fooled. In some ways the thing is some of them may call themselves your friend but its all a setup sometimes depending on who you know. If there's one thing I've experienced both in real life & on TV cliques & clubs are nothing to be apart of since its all the same you do something for them & they let you join up regarding what it might be.

I say this because there was a time that I wanted to be apart of one only to experience harassment & abuse. It was heartbreaking so much so that I still have an emotional scar from it. But it also provided a life long lesson  its best to know who your real friends are & stick with them regardless if they're cool or not the only thing that should matter is how they treat you & if they show you respect & treat you right then they're worth your time.

Also its better to ask yourself what are they really looking for as well as is it worth it because sometimes they'll intentionally leave you or your friends out of something like an event of some kind.
You sometimes don't know how it makes others feel so much so that you  feel like you're superior because of what you have-- that of clout or authority of some kind.

So my main point is you should join a club or a clique because you want to meet people who have the same thing in common as you & learn something new & have your friends join up if they want to get to know new people or get out of their comfort zone & try new things after all that's the main purpose of them.

Well hopefully those are some good tips & words of wisdom to live by & here's hoping you readers will take all of this to heart & mind also remember in some cases you're just better off without any of them because as long as you have someone talking about you then they'll never forget you dare to be different dare to be unique.

So with all of that said & out of the way here's some tunes

Robert Rudolph- The Right Direction

So until then STAY CHILL & FROSTY!!!!

Saturday, September 2, 2017

Righteous Indignation

Righteous Indignation- Lyrics

What's this weird sensation?

(Hard Rock Instrumental)

(Verse 1)
I'm so sick of all the injustice in the world.
I already know its tough to be a girl.
tired of being misjudged becuase I was born blind
& this is one girl thats gonna speak her mind.
about what you do.
& all I wanted was someone to look up to.

Righteous indignation flows in my soul
I feel it surging out of control.
Tired of hiding so get ready to fight.
It's up to you to make things right.

Get ready to feel the sensation of
Feel the sensation of righteous indignation
(Repeat 3x)

(Verse 2)
Skinny models here, there, & everywhere
Why can't knowledge make you stop & stare?
Why do we worship beauty when it only fades away?
that some things about it are all fake?
To all the stars that I once knew then
believing in you was a huge mistake.

(Repeat chorus)


(Repeat 3x)

(Guitar solo, Instrumental)

(Repeat chourus)

Friday, September 1, 2017

Thoughts of a DJ: How to tell if you're a 90s kid part 3

Hey DJ Dizzy here & after the success of my posts of How to tell you're a 90s kid here's another one coming you're way.

You know you're a 90s kid if you did the following:

You made mixed videotapes of your favorite music videos ect.

If you remember a time when Furbies scared or irritated the crap out of you.

If you raced home from school to watch Fox Kids & Kids WB.

You remember TGIF on ABC meant Saturday morning wasn't too far.

You still collect beanie babies.

You watched MTV The Grind or Beach house during spring break (Admit it you know you did.)

You remember when you played Girl Talk or Pretty, Pretty Princess.

You're still collecting the toys from your favorite cereals.

You desperately wanted  Lunchables for lunch (Hot lunch sometimes sucked)

You had to have any games made  by Wizards of the Coast.

You wanted to be a member of the Burger King kids club.

You still say "Yo queiro Taco Bell" out of spontinuity

You remember a time when jelly shoes were the thing to wear.

You still exercise with a Skip It.

You remember a time when MTV was unplugged.

You wish USA Cartoon Express or Action Extreme Team was back on the air ( Those were the days.)

You ever wanted to join the Dream Team.

You remember using a homemade fortune teller or a ouji board to predict who you'd marry.

You wanted to be like Mighty Max & had the playsets.

You're still playing  with your Easy Bake Oven or Creepy Crawlers

You still have a Fruit By the Foot from 20 years ago.

You cry whenever you watch The Bodyguard

You remember when BET spoke on REAL issues (Does Teen Summit ring a bell?)

You remember using the Living Books games to read.

You remember a time when Coke was the real thing.

You remember when action shows reigned supreme.

Well that's all I got for now hope you enjoyed it.