Wednesday, March 1, 2017

No Shame in it

I've ben meaning to get this issue off my chest so just hear me out on this matter: People are born different for obvious reasons. Take me for example I was born partially blind. Growing up I wanted to be apart of my middle school drill team.

I auditioned only to get turned down because they said that I was "too quick." But the real reason is only this: They saw my handicap & they made fun of me for it. But somethings in life you really don't need.

So I ask you this: Why do we feel like we need to belittle people based on their handicaps or ethnicity anyway? There's alot more to people than just how they look or how we act You could be some really good looking man with a trophy wife & still keep a low profile You could have every trophy ever made but at the same time what have you really accomplished with your life? Even the smartest people can do some dumb things. No matter if they're a genius or prodigy or even a savant.

Case in point: You should never look down on people who may seem different form you because you can learn alot from them (Yeah parents this is also for you too now.) There's a lot more to people than you think. So really get to know whats really going on.

Role playing & Larping

Hello there one & all Its DJ Dizzy here & normally I don't usually do this but this time around I'm covering a little something called role playing games & live action role playing. (I've been doing some studying on it so bear with me.) Here's some insight on it for those who don't know.

RPGs or role playing games are games that are played in which the person takes on the role of a character in a video or tabletop game & there's also lie action role playing or LARPIng in which people dress up as the character in a live action re enactment. Larping & RPGs are still done usually depending on who ever might be involved. There's many different types of RPGs to do some of which are video games & tabletop.

Video game RPGs involve people playing a virtual game thus becoming the character within the game itself. Sometimes this is done through larping via motion capture.

Tabletop gaming involves using strategy & determining what the character will do when playing sometimes points are involved depending on what game it is you're playing & also can also be some rules that can be considered complicated.

These are just some examples of what RPGs & Larping are all about though its not done as much the only time you ever really see it done is either at conventions or any other special events.

There are also plenty more games that may involve larping or RPGs such as:

The Legend of 6 Rings.

Laser Tag

Onimusha Dawn of Dreams

Ninja Gaiden

Soul Caliber

World of Warcraft & many others

These are just a few games that involve strategy & sometimes can be great to play either with one or many more players. As for me though I'm a beginner I've played my fair share of a few fighting games & strategy as well.

Dragonball Super Review

Hello to everyone on the internet & between its the DJ coming at you full throttle! This time around I'm talking about an anime that's back once again that of Dragon Ball Super.

Now after seeing a few episodes of this show I have to say that its just like watching DBZ Kai but I couldn't help but think of it as a precursor to that other show Dragon ball GT (I'll cover that travesty later on.) But anyway from what I saw there's mew alien cat named Beerus & what he does is go around traveling around sampling different cuisines of planets & if he doesn't like them he destroys them depending on if the food is good to him or not. (Douchebag food critic anyone?) But anyway as for our herpes We have Goku who's taken on the role of farmer turned millionaire & Vegeta who's still obsessed with beating him & he's a family man at that.

There's also Hercule who now answers to Mr. Satan (& no you didn't read that wrong that is his last name!) But anyway he's still considered a hero to some however when I saw this show I couldn't help but wonder why they did what they did to the characters I mean its probably a precursor to GT & DBZ Kai but still I couldn't really watch it. Mostly because the plot hardly made sense that & its kind of much.

So to Dragon ball Super unfortunately I'll gave to give this anime a solid 1 which is perhaps the lowest score I've given anything but needless to say that while DBZ is pretty cool I do like DBZ Kai however this is one show I could do without/ But also I couldn't get over Hercule's last name is Mr. Satan that just doesn't sit so well with me. But overall this really isn't working for me.