Monday, June 1, 2015

Game boy where have you gone?

Hey there everyone. DJ Dizzy here & as always it's time to dizzy things up a bit.This month & time around I'm going to be covering a counsel that's been overlooked for way too long.  I'm talking about none other than the Game Boy

Now for those that really don't know how it got started the Gameboy came out in the late 80s & it was an instant hit what with their first release of Tetris & soon The Legend of Zelda & more games followed. But the main downside of the counsel was that the games were always in back & white so that's when the Gameboy Color was soon introduced later on in the 90s. (1995 to be exact.) However the graphics n most of the games remained pretty lame. (Just these big blocky images with barely any real action to go on. You get the idea.)

Well aside from that there was also a follow up to the successful console as there was also a system called the Virtual Boy which didn't really prove to be successful because it caused headaches as well as seizure's & eye strain so it got recalled as well as scrapped.

But later in time Gameboy had cam back not only in color but with better graphics on the games & a whole new shape with Gameboy advance & a more portable version as well.

Where has it gone today well you don't really see it around as much anymore & well I really think that it should make a comeback because if anything it could bring back some nostalgia among us.  But that's just my opinion. But overall no matter what anyone says or thinks the Gameboy should come back & it will always be a classic in my book. So with that said that's going to do it for me.

Here's a  little something that'll keep things in motion.

Orange Range- Locolotion

So until then I'm up over & GONE!!

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