Friday, October 2, 2015

Anime Review: Akame Go KIll

Hey there one & all it's your old friend DJ Dizzy here & I'm back this time around with an anime review that of a new anime called Akame Go Kill.

It tells the story of a boy named Tastumi who's off to work for the government as a solider. Only to set up residence at a rich girls house He then discovers a group of assassins called Night Raid who have weaponry which have amazing abilities.

The motley crew consists of the rookie Tatsumi,

Leone, the hot huntress who's a beast (Literally.)

Bulat, an armor wearing warrior,

Najenda the leader with a bionic arm.

Mine the youngster sniper,

Akame, a poison sword wielder with a crush on Tatstumi

Sheele a girl who uses scissors in battle to name a few.

Here's a better description of the characters

Akame Go Kill Characters

As it turns out the government isn't what they appear to be because they turn out to be corrupted along with the aristocracy & after learning the real truth Tastumi soon finds himself apart of the assassin group & they have to take down every last one of these corrupt forces as best they can. The series itself if full of a lot of action & suspense & isn't really for the faint of heart but it'll really have you on the edge of your seat. This is one show I'd recommend for people who can handle a real adrenaline rush & blood lust along with it.

Well that's going to do it for the most part but to end all this here's the first opening for ir

Akame Go Kill opening 1

Until next time stay awesome!


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  2. You're very welcome I'm glad you liked it
