Sunday, June 5, 2016

DJs Throwback: MIghty Max

Hey there all DJ Dizzy here & this time around I'm going to talk about a show that's partly popular That of Mighty Max

Now for some that don't know or remember  Mighty Max was a toy line which inspired a cartoon series of the same name. It tells the story of an 11 year old boy who finds a red baseball cap which is actually a portal transforming him into Mighty Max. On this new quest he meets up with a Lemurain fowl named Virgil, & Norman, a Viking like guardian & together the try to take down the evil Skull Master & his dreaded minions along with other enemies. But sometimes on his adventures his mom & his two best friends Bea, & Felix would sometimes get involved.

Now the show itself is pretty typical. The world is in danger Virgil summons Mighty Max by any means he can The Mighty One does his job & all's right again for now. But overall it was okay for its time but though it didn't last long it went on to inspire a video game that wasn't all that good but I digress. However if you're a fan of the show then episodes of it are available online & this is a good show if you want a rush or you're looking for some nostalgia to help set you free from the mundane.

However for me I'd watch this from time to time when I was a kid & I thought it was scary but after a while once you watch it its not so bad. But like I said if you're looking for a show with some edge & adventure then by all means this show is for you.

Well I'm going to get going. But until then here's some more nostalgia for you.

Mighty Max Intro

So until then I'll Dizzy it up next time.  So until then ROCK N ROLL!!!

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